Our Ratings and Awards

Henry Ford once said that “coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. So, to have a successful academic career you need to work with the best people ever. For our homework assistants we have a rating system that gives you a clue of how our assistants have managed other customers’ assignments. Each assistant is rated upon helping a student. It helps you to see their experience and the skill set.

KiwiPapers has a 5 point rating system, where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest one. But the best part is that we are not the ones to grade our assistants, the clients are. Before you submit your feedback on a particular tutor, you can check other clients’ reviews and ratings.

It is a two-way grading system. It ensures reasonable expectations for both – our clients and our assistants. How does it work two ways? Well, our clients can rest assured that the assigned tutor is very good, while the tutor is sure to have a reasonable and reliable client.

Academic Assistants of KiwiPapers

You can check our assistants right now. In case you need professional help with your college paper, just check our database!

Expert Mary
Expert Mary


Completed projects 165

Tutor Hailey.
Tutor Hailey.


Completed projects 159



Completed projects 111



Completed projects 105

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